How I Treat My Own Back

My back, my back!!!! My aching back!!!

I sit in the car on the way to work, I sit at my desk to review charts. All of this sitting exacerbates my herniated disc and my sciatica. I often leave work mentally exhausted and in pain. Too tired to exercise after work and this cycle continues of weak core and hip flexor muscles. I had to do something. In our department we have a room that is unused so I bought a yoga mat in order to perform my stretches and mild strengthening exercise prescribed to me by my physical therapist. 

At first, I would forget to bring the mat to work and when I finally brought it to work a few days passed and I had not even used the mat. On a particularly tough day with COVID 19 patients and many deaths, I decided I needed a mental break. I went to the mat and took 10 deep cleansing breaths and all of my anxiety washed away. I then went through a few poses and I honestly felt rejuvenated. I have to say some days are busier than most and the days that I am busy I do not get a chance to get on the mat but majority of the time I do. After about 30 days of this practice I have felt slightly more balanced at work. I even offer the mat to my colleagues. 

As this pandemic continues it has become increasingly more clear that making my  health a priority is non-negotiable. If you have allowed your job to consume you to the point of poor health then these tips are for you. Even if you have found balance you can add these tips anyway!

  1. Find a space and time to recollect your peace. This can be utilizing an underused area at the office or just the restroom to perform cleansing breathing exercises at the minimum or you can get on a yoga mat and perform a few poses. If you are working at home, find a quiet place and slowly breathe for about 5 minutes. I assure you, you will feel better. 

  2. Create a desk space that is pleasant, ergonomic and functional. Many of us share desks at the hospital but when I work “my desk” has my water, music, as well as essential oil diffusers. Do what is best for your space. 

  3. Add spirituality to your routine. Every morning I thank my ancestors for creating me and allowing me to walk in my purpose. I thank the ground, the trees, my car, etc. Gratitude is a must as we go about our day. Whatever your spirituality is, give thanks!!


~ Submitted by Dr. Shaila Day


Wellness while Traveling


Maintain Wellness while Traveling by Plane