Maintain Wellness while Traveling by Plane

One of my favorite pastimes is traveling!

  There is nothing more exciting than exploring a new country, a new continent and new cultures.  While the destination always piques excitement, sometimes the act of getting there can be taxing both mentally and physically.  Over the years I have found a routine that works well for me, and ensures that I arrive at my final destination feeling well and ready to explore the sites!

Eat well before you go, and pack healthy snacks for the journey!

The days leading up to travel can be demanding and quite exhausting. Oftentimes, there are last minute errands to run or even last minute packing to do. This sets up the perfect stage to default to quick eats that may not be the healthiest. Most fast food is chock full of sodium, sugar and preservatives. This can not only make you feel bloated and generally unwell, but it can also cause constipation! Flying (especially for extended hours) can already increase risk of dehydration and constipation. Adding too much sodium to your diet can increase your risk for swollen feet and ankles. Instead of defaulting to fast foods, opt for more hydrating healthy alternatives. Smoothies are a great option for quick, go-to meals that are easy to take on the go. Additionally, fresh salads and fruit are super hydrating and will ensure you get plenty of fiber. Dried fruit (unsulphered) and nuts (especially the raw unsalted variety) make a great snack option to carry on to the plane.


Dates are especially nourishing, filling and full of minerals!


Good ole H2O!

Water is life!  Literally!  Our planet and our bodies are made up of more water than anything.  In order to maintain wellness you have to hydrate well and often.  We tend to think the only means of staying hydrated is drinking copious amounts of bottled water, but there is more to it than that!  Fruits are one of the most ideal sources of water, as they filter the water and are full of vital minerals.  Examples of hydrating fruit include; cucumbers, melons, berries, and oranges to name a few.  These make healthy snacks to pack on long flights that have the added benefit of keeping you hydrated.  Additionally, it is great to remember that spritzing the face with rose water or spring water can prevent it from drying out in the recycled air on the flight.  Be sure to drink plenty of spring water both before and during your flight to stay hydrated in the air!

Oil of oregano and black seed oil: the cure for everything but death!

I always keep my wellness cabinet stocked with natural healing options!  Oil of oregano and black seed oil are 2 mainstays that I never run out of!  In addition to improving overall immunity, they both have well documented antimicrobial properties.  They work so well that I never travel without them, and I even keep a stash in my desk at work in the ED!  The travel hack that I have adopted is to take a dose for two days consecutively before leaving, as soon as I sit in my seat on the plane, when I land, and for 2 days after I arrive at my destination.  It has yet to fail me and works like magic, because plant medicine IS MAGIC!

Coconut oil for the win!  I put that sh*t on everything!

Coconut oil is another staple to keep on deck.  It has so many valuable properties for health and wellness that I will do a separate Beehive Banter write up on all its many uses.  For travel coconut oil has many uses as well.  As soon as I board the plane I put a dollop of coconut oil in each of my nostrils and spread it over the surface.  I know this sounds crazy, but coconut oil is antimicrobial and viscous.  It can not only trap any bacteria you inhale in the recycled air on the plane, but it can kill microorganisms that come in contact with the nares.  We use a similar technique in the hospital using Bactroban and Bacitracin for patients undergoing surgery.  However these agents are full of toxic ingredients like petroleum.  Coconut oil can also serve as a moisturizer for your hair and body, and has the added benefit of sun protection (*stay tuned for the Beehive Banter write up on natural sunscreen*).  Coconut oil is also a great mouth wash!  AS a lipophilic (fat loving) antimicrobial agent, it not only attracts mouth bacteria, but it can help detox the entire body by removing excess mucus.  The technique is called oil pulling, and has been used since antiquity to maintain great oral hygiene and overall wellness.


Western methods aren’t ALL trash!

These four travel hacks have become a part of my travel ritual anytime I fly!  I use these traditional wellness modalities coupled with conventional methods, which is the Honey and Machetes way (balance in all things)!  For example, I wipe all the surfaces that I may come in contact with on the plane with germicidal cleaning wipes.  I also wear a surgical mask on the plane (imagine the stares I got before COVID)!  You can never go wrong with hand hygiene!  I wash my hands thoroughly and frequently when traveling!  I also keep natural hand sanitizer close by to spritz my hands between washes!

 Traveling should be a fun and enjoyable experience from start to finish!  Don’t let rancid plane air and passengers who cough and sneeze without covering put you at risk of getting ill before arriving to your vacation!  Use these trusted travel hacks to stay well!  They are simple to implement, tried and true, and sure to keep you well on your next flight!  Let us know if you try any of these travel hacks and how they worked for you!  We would love to hear from you!

~ Submitted by Dr. Jasmyn Kianna (Dr. Jaz)


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